Solution 3: Rebind the buttons/axes in the Profile Editor so that their states are 'Fall Back', not a mouse button/axis (right click on the macro edit pane for that button IIRC, or there might be a button to access the states). joy19, the 'click' functionality of the scroll wheel on the back of the throttle I believe). Issue 3: Some buttons/hats/wheels show up as mouse axes/buttons, not joystick buttons, and therefore can't be used separately to the mouse or simply can't be bound at all in game (e.g.

It'll then just work as joy6 in game, like you want it to. Then go and edit the binding for the pinkie button/joy6 within the profile editor so that it's state is set to 'Fall Back' (right click on the macro edit pane for that button IIRC, or there might be a button to access the states). Switch back to the other view if you want. Have you got a load of 'Mode X + Pinkie' shift state profiles in there by default? Delete them. Note how you (probably, if you're having the same problem as I was) can't map the pinkie button at all to anything else. Load up the Profile Editor to edit the desired profile. Solution 2: Delete the shift states for the stick in the Profile Editor utility for the default/your Elite configuration profile. Issue 2: Joy6 (the pinkie finger button on the stick) doesn't work/can't be mapped (default 'UI Focus Mode' in the Elite config) Within the Control Panel settings it's in the MFD tab, and under Clutch Settings untick "Enable Clutch Mode", then Apply and close the dialog. Right-click the Saitek X52 icon in your task bar (The Profile Editor) and go to the Control Panel menu option. Solution 1: Disable 'Clutch' mode for the stick.

Issue 1: Button30 (default 'boost' in the Elite config) button doesn't work in game.

However as some of the other issues require that utility to be installed to resolve them, I am assuming you've installed both the joystick driver and the configuration utility from MadCatz' website. 2 - Some of these issues only appear if you have the Saitek Profile Editor utility installed. My solutions work even if this dialog is closed (As it should be except for when testing). This is presumably because with that open certain custom settings for the stick are overridden. A lot of these issue go away if the Windows Control Panel joystick dialog (where you can see which buttons/axes you are using as you use them) is open in the background. I had a fair few issues with this when I first got my X52, in that I didn't seem to be able to bind half the buttons I wanted, and others weren't showing up as I expected them to, so I thought i'd outline the issues I had here and the solutions, in case anyone else is also suffering similarly.